

始终认可其价值, Rhode Island College is one of the Top 10 Best Regional Public Universities in New England, 根据….S. 新闻 & 2021年世界报告.



esball官方网是通用申请的独家成员. All students applying for undergraduate admission must complete the 常见的应用程序.





我们的团队可能很快就会到达你附近的一个地方. 计划在即将到来的春季大学博览会上和我们见面.



  1. The submitted 常见的应用程序, including the $50申请费不可退还. 完成通用申请. Select "apply for first-year" if you are applying to RIC after graduating high 学校. 请注意:如果你以前就读于另一所学院或大学, 选择“申请转账”和 查看我们的转学入学要求.
  2. 你的正式高中成绩单. esball官方网要求至少18个大学预备单元,包括:
    • 4个单元/年的英语
    • 同一外语2个学分/年
    • 3个学分/年的数学(代数I、代数II和几何)
    • 2学分/年的历史或社会科学
    • 2个学分/年的实验室科学
    • 5 additional college preparatory units (additional coursework in any of the above subjects, 或你所在高中开设的其他大学预备选修课)


Home学校 applicants must adhere to the same admissions requirements as traditional students. 有几种表示必修课程的方法: 

  • Have an established working relationship with a home学校ing agency that supplies curriculum outlines and that reviews and 成绩 work completed and submit a transcript for that agency.
  • Submit your home-学校ing plans to the appropriate agencies in your state to receive approval to grant a high 学校 diploma.
  • Supplement your home learning with college courses and courses certified by a private tutor/teacher to meet the 18 college preparatory unit requirements. 


除了通用申请之外, $50申请费不可退还, 还有正式的高中成绩单, 您可以选择提交以下可选材料供考虑:

  • 通过普通申请提交250字的大学论文
  • 学校(指导)顾问或个人推荐信
  • SAT或ACT成绩. esball官方网是可选考试. 对于学院的首次录取,我们不要求考试成绩. If you believe your results from the SAT or ACT support your candidacy for admission, esball官方网鼓励你提交. Please Note: Candidates to RIC's teacher education programs in the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development must submit standardized test results for consideration. 


评估转学分,AP, IB和CLEP考试

Students who participated in dual enrollment in high 学校 or with coursework from a regionally accredited institution could be eligible for transfer credit with a grade of “C” or higher.

AP exams with a score of 3 or greater and CLEP scores with a 50 or greater are also eligible for transfer credit. Official transcripts and test scores should be sent to the admissions office for review. 

Candidates who have completed International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL) subjects and have received a score of at least 4 on the diploma program examinations may be granted college credit. Students should have their scores sent directly to the Office of 招生 from IBO or have them printed on their official secondary 学校 transcript.



如果你的高中成绩单上有双语印章, 你将在esball官方网获得大学学分!


你将获得相关113级语言课程的学分(4学分), 哪一种能满足学院的第二语言要求. (每笔贷记418美元=节省约1 672美元) 


You will receive credit for a relevant 113 and 114-level language course (totaling 8 credits), 哪一种能满足学院的第二语言要求. (每笔贷记$418 =节省约$3,344)

Please Note: If you satisfy the requirements but the Seal of Biliteracy isn’t on your transcript, please have your 学校 counselor 电子邮件 us with your name and the level you’ve achieved. We will waive the high 学校 foreign language requirement and award college credit! 如果你所在的州不授予金/银等级, score reports from official testing agencies that show Advanced-Low/Intermediate-Mid may be used to determine the Seal level from your state.




Rhode Island College recognizes superior academic achievement through the awarding of scholarships. All candidates are reviewed for merit scholarships at the time of application for admission. 

There are several merit-based scholarship programs available to students at the College. 这些项目可分为四大类:


  • 提早行动 & 优秀奖学金优先考虑日期:12月15日
  • 春季入学(一月):12月15日
  • 常规决定:3月15日 (2024年秋季入学的截止日期已经延长. 还有时间 马上申请)
  • Priority Filing Deadline for FAFSA: April 15, with rolling consideration thereafter. 
  • 招生 & 住房保证金:由于FAFSA数据延迟, RIC决定延长我们的入学押金截止日期. 现在招收!


开始使用您的RIC帐户(或重新访问RIC电子邮件), 黑板上, 和MyRIC), 您需要设置一个初始密码. 通过访问设置新密码 设置密码.

需要额外援助? 联系ITS帮助中心 helpdesk@czechcoples.com, 401-456-8803,或参观参观实验室 惠普尔大厅 102房间.


Student to faculty ratio allows you to have a meaningful learning experience with faculty who take the time to know you. 平均每班20人 .
RIC prides itself on being ranked the most affordable four-year college in the Northeast.
A strong foundation in general education with a broad array of majors that prepares you for the work的地方, 先进的研究, 职业探索和体验式学习.



准学生中心是你进入esball官方网的门户. Schedule a visit for a student-led campus tour with one of our admissions ambassadors, or stop by to learn more about the college from a member of our admissions team.